Thursday, March 1, 2012

Beginnings of a 3D Model

The robot will have four evenly spaced legs with 3 directions of freedom each (12 servos), it will use an Arduino Mega 1280 for brains, and will be powered by a small LiPo battery.

The design is based off of both commercial quadrupod robot designs as well as video games and science fiction. I'm not entirely sure what I want it to look like yet, but I am aiming for a much more mechanical look rather than an organic one. 

I am using Autodesk Inventor 2012 to model the robot and I started working on it last night. 
You can see my progress below...

So far I have only finished a preliminary model of the top half of the robot's body.

I highlighted one of the pieces with my mouse and that is why it is white. The top of the body actually consists of 4 identical pieces to make up the whole thing. I had to split it into 4 so that it will fit within the output area of my 3D printer... (glad I thought of that before trying to print). 

I will have to design some extra pieces to attach the 4 parts, and the Arduino will most likely not be placed where it is currently. ... Looks like I have my work cut out for me tonight. Hopefully I can have the first iteration of the entire body finished by Monday.

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