Monday, March 5, 2012

More modeling...

I'm still working on the model in Inventor and even though it may not look like it, I accomplished quite a bit over the weekend.  Before I go on, I'll show you the anatomy of a leg with some labels in case you don't really know the terms. Take a look at this picture of a leg used commonly on quadropods and hexapods sold by Trossen Robotics. You can see how each leg is split into a coxa, femur, and tibia. And how each joint in each leg has it's own servo to control its position.
Now onto the update:
Here's what I've got at this point. I now have attached the femurs as well as the tibia servos, which actually required a small amount of math (a couple torque calculations) to get the proportions correct. So as you can see, at this point I still need to design a tibia and possibly a foot to stick on the end of it. I've intentionally designed the legs so that they will hopefully be able to fold up and into the body while still leaving plenty of room for all of the electronics to live. 

I think I am going to hold off on finishing the legs this week and instead get a bit of the programming started. The servos won't be delivered for a little while (opted for some slow shipping from South Korea...) but the parts required to interface them with the arduino should be here tomorrow and I hope to at least be able to get all of the required libraries in order so that I can get the servos moving right when they arrive. I also need to plan out where I will put all of the electronics, and measure a few components so I can get an accurate representation of them into the 3D model.

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